
Creating an Image Pipeline

Table of Contents

  1. Presentation of the problem
  2. Why optimize?
  3. Image formats
  4. Image fallbacks with the picture element
  5. Compressing and converting
  6. Scaling up
  7. Hosting
  8. Potential improvements
  9. Conclusion

Presentation of the problem

For the last few weeks, I've been working on a website that contains many small images. Here is an example page:

A screenshot of the final project

And here's a closeup of an individual image:

An example unprocessed image

As part of the project setup, I downloaded around 2000 external images onto my laptop. Before I could start using in my site, I needed to do two things:

  1. Optimize the images
  2. Host the images

Why optimize your images?

The 2019 "State of the Web" report by the HTTP Archive found that the average website contains almost 900 KB of images - about half of the average page weight. Additionally, in Google VP Marissa Meyer's keynote speech at Web 2.0, she shared Google's finding that a half-second increase in page load time led to a 20% drop in traffic.

Every byte that you can shave off an image is one less byte on your monthly bandwidth bill and one less byte that your user has to download. Everybody wins!

Image formats

The two most important steps to optimizing images are picking the right format and serving the correct resolution to client devices. Luckily, as our images are very small, we can serve the same resolution for mobile desktop and just concentrate on picking the format.

That said, there are three principal general-purpose image formats:

  1. JPEG
  2. PNG
  3. WEBP

While WEBP is the best format, marrying the features of both JPEG and PNG with a smaller file size, it's not yet supported by Safari or Internet Explorer. To help you pick which format(s) to use, ask yourself the following questions in order:

  1. Do you only support Firefox/Chrome? Use WEBP.
  2. Do your images contain transparent sections? Use WEBP with a PNG fallback (we'll talk about fallback implementation in the next section).
  3. Are your images visually complex, such as photographs or artwork? Use WEBP with a JPEG fallback.
  4. Otherwise, use WEBP with a PNG fallback.

This might seem a little abstract, so let's walk through these rules using our example image from earlier:

Card image from earlier

  1. I support Safari (you probably do too!), so we'll move onto the next question.
  2. Our images do have transparent sections. WEBP with a PNG fallback it is!

Image fallback with the picture element

In the previous section we decided that a WEBP image with a PNG fallback was the way to go. To implement the fallback behavior, we're going to make use of the picture element. Here's what the markup will look like:

    type="image/webp" />
    src="/TRL_128.png" />

Let's dig into what's happening here. When a browser encounters a picture tag, it evaluates its contents sequentially, top to bottom. The first source or img element with a matching type and media query will be the image that's shown.

In the case of Chrome or Firefox, the browser will read the source element; as these browsers support WEBP and there is no media query, it will immediately display this image.

In Safari's case, as the browser does not support WEBP, the source will be discarded and the fallback img element will be used.

Finally, we have the plucky 6% of Canadian users that navigate with Internet Explorer. While IE does not understand the picture or source element, it will skip to the img element and display that. Since the img contains our fallback PNG, this is exactly the behavior we want.

As I mentioned in the image format section, our situation is a bit unique, in that we are always serving the same resolution for our images. If we had bigger images for which we were exporting multiple sizes, we would need to combine the picture element with the srcset attribute. This technique is discussed in MDN's article on responsive images.

Compressing and converting our images

Let's actually do some stuff! For each of our 2000 original images (in PNG format), we're going to do two things:

  1. Lossily compress the source image, keeping the PNG format
  2. Convert the original image from to a lossy WEBP

My work computer is a Mac, so I'll be using tools available on that platform. For the PNG compression, this will be ImageOptim-Cli and ImageAlpha. The WEBP compression will be handled by ImageMagick.

Here's an example for both the PNG and WEBP formats:

$ cp original.png compressed.png
$ imageoptim --imagealpha --quality 50 compressed.png
$ mogrify -format WEBP original.png
$ mv original.webp compressed.webp
$ ls -lh
4.9K compressed.png
2.6K compressed.webp
16K  original.png

A 69% savings for the compressed PNG and 84% for the WEBP. Wow! Now, a comparison of image quality. Here is the original image:

original png

The compressed PNG:

compressed png

And the WEBP (best viewed in Chrome/Firefox):

compressed webp

To my (near-sighted) eyes, the three are identical. We did it!

Scaling up

So far we've converted one out of 2000 images. While we could type out the command for the remaining 1999, some would say that this isn't the best use of our time, and I would tend to agree. Instead, we're going to rely on two classic CLI tools: find and xargs.

To get started, I'm going to make a copy of the directory containing my source images:

$ cp -R originals/ compressed/

Next, I'm going to use some find/xarg magic with our previous mogrify command to convert all the images in the compressed/ directory to WEBP:

$ find compressed/ -iname "*.png" -print0 | \
  xargs -0 -n 1 -P $NUM_CORES \
  mogrify -format webp

Let's break down the second command line by line.

We start by grabbing making a list of all the PNG files in the compressed/ directory:

find compressed/ -iname "*.png" -print0

The output of find - our list of PNG files - is then piped into xargs:

xargs -0 -n 1 -P $NUM_CORES \
mogrify -format webp

For my folder of 2000 (small) images, it took six seconds to convert them all to WEBP.

Next up is the PNG compression. While imageoptim does take an arbitrary number of arguments as input, trying to execute it on all 2000 images caused it to hang when I tried. Instead, we'll reuse our previous command, with two changes:

  1. imageoptim takes about a second to start, so we will go ahead and bump -n to 20.
  2. You can't concurrently run multiple instances of imageoptim, so we'll turn off the -P option. For posterity, here is the command:
$ find compressed/ -iname "*.png" -print0 | \
  xargs -0 -n 20 \
  imageoptim --imagealpha --quality 50

This step took considerably longer than the WEBP conversion - over twelve minutes on my computer. Once it's completed, though, you'll have a directory full of svelte PNGs and WEBPs! What next?

Hosting our images

Time to make our images public! We're going to be using Amazon S3 for this. There are two prerequisites:

First, configure the AWS CLI with

$ aws configure

This will prompt you to enter your account key id and secret key and will automatically authenticate us for the following commands.

Next, let's create a new S3 bucket. For this article, we'll use a bucket named image-optimization-blog-post.

$ BUCKET_NAME=image-optimization-blog-post
$ aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET_NAME
make_bucket: image-optimization-blog-post

Next, we're going to update the bucket settings to make all the objects publicly-readable. First, let's create a file called policy.json and fill in its contents:

$ cat policy.json
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AddPerm",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::image-optimization-blog-post/*"

Make sure to fill in the value of $BUCKET_NAME in the "Resource" line. Now, let's apply the policy to our newly-created bucket:

$ POLICY_PATH=$(realpath policy.json)
$ aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --policy file://$POLICY_PATH

Time to upload our images! I'm going to sync the compressed/ folder we created earlier to the assets/images/ folder of our bucket. We'll start with a dryrun to make sure that everything looks okay:

$ PUBLIC_PATH=assets/images
$ aws s3 sync compressed/ s3://$BUCKET_NAME/$PUBLIC_PATH --dryrun
(dryrun) upload: compressed/ROT_114.png to s3://image-optimization-blog-post/ROT_114.png
(dryrun) upload: compressed/ROT_114.webp to s3://image-optimization-blog-post/ROT_114.webp

Check over the output carefully to make sure everything is getting put where it's supposed to. Once you're satisfied of the result, we'll rerun the previous command without --dryrun, uploading our images for real:

$ aws s3 sync compressed/ s3://$BUCKET_NAME/$PUBLIC_PATH
upload: compressed/ROT_114.webp to s3://image-optimization-blog-post/assets/images/ROT_114.webp
upload: compressed/ROT_114.webp to s3://image-optimization-blog-post/assets/images/ROT_114.webp

Let's open one of our images to make sure that everything went well:

$ IMAGE_NAME=$(ls compressed/ | head -1)
$ open https://$BUCKET_NAME.s3.amazonaws.com/$PUBLIC_PATH/$IMAGE_NAME

If you see your image, you're officially done with your image pipeline. Congratulations!

Potential improvements

Here's a list of improvements we could have implemented throughout workflow, in no particular order:


You have now officially finished my image pipeline guide. Thanks for sticking through to the end, and I hope you learned something!